Several of our engineering students spent a weekend in Lagos, Portugal. Here is Ben and Shelby's account of how the weekend went.
We went to Lagos Portugal last weekend. It was difficult to find a bus for the return from Lagos to Seville on Sunday so we decided to go with a local travel agency for international students called Discover Seville. They only had a few spots left but there were so many of us that wanted to sign up that they decided they would get another bus and take us all.
We left after class on Friday around 3 and got to Lagos at 5 (it was a 3 hour bus ride but Lagos is behind 1 hour) We stayed at a really cool hotel called Carve. We were a 30 second walk from a beautiful little beach tucked into an opening of the cliffs. It was an amazing view looking down at the beach watching the waves pound into the surrounding rocks and spreading all over the beach. We took many pictures and decided to head down. The sand was slightly coarse but very cool to walk on. The tide was low so we ended up finding a cool little cave/grotto. We hung out there talked a little bit and just admired the scene before we headed to our next destination.

The discover Seville people took us down to a place the Portuguese used to call “The end of the world” to watch the sunset. It was about a 40 minute bus ride there but well worth the travel time. We got there a about half an hour before the sun was to fall and got the chance to look around. It was absolutely beautiful.

The next morning we were supposed to go on a boat tour of the grattos but the weather made the ocean too rough so we were unable to go. We then went to beach where we spent the day playing soccer, football, volleyball and swimming in the ocean. Later that night after we returned to the hotel we went to a resturant that had amazing burgers called nahnahbah.
Sunday morning a group of people went to a place about 45 min outside of Lagos to take surfing lessons for the day. Others stayed and hung out at the beach by the hotel and enjoyed the breathtaking cliffs and cafe that surrounded it.

"The end of the world" is definitely a breathtaking place. I can certainly see how it got its name.