We had our third and final exam for statics today. It was long and relatively challenging but all of the students seemed confident that they had done well. We followed the same procedure as the second exam. There was a big homework assignment over new material last night and we met early this morning to clear up any questions that remained. Then, everyone was ready for the exam. But, it was a long class - 8:30am -2:00pm with one break. Next week, we start thermodynamics for the second half of the summer. Our schedule is very similar to the schedule that is being followed on campus.
Teaching and taking classes here have been unique experiences. As an instructor, it has been a treat because these are all talented and highly motivated students. Plus, with 20 students, it is a much smaller class than I usually have on campus. The students are very focused and both they and I have been willing to do whatever was necessary to assure that they mastered the material.
We haven't visited any new exotic places this week. But, I thought it might be interesting to share a couple of photos that I took here in Sevilla.
Kathy and I spotted these two cuties one afternoon when walking near the river. Flamenco dancing is a very strong tradition in Spain and these two are evidently future stars. They also appear to be twins which seems to be more common here.
This is a wedding coach for a couple headed for the church. There are a lot of horse drawn carriages for the tourists in Sevilla but these are a special design. We have seen them on several occasions.
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